Chainsaw Wash

When the group arrived at the South Wash, their only decision was to walk down this path:At the end of the wash they found this:
A balancing scale. Resting in the scale was another tape:

"Kimberly and Aubrey, you have obtained an obsession for running… Tell me, why run…when you can hide? If you fail here, you may need to do both. In front of you is a scale. If you miss your weight, you will wish that your training has paid off. 14 ounces will reveal the location of the next clue. The clock is ticking."

Next to the scale was a bucket of bloody liquid, a 9 oz. cup, and a 16 oz. cup. Kim and Aubrey had to figure out how to pour the cups of bloody liquid into each other to yield 14 ounces. Once they thought they had the right amount, they set the cup on the scale. The scale then teetered between the several locations written on the board, and then finally rested on the "North Wash Tunnel."

As the group turned around to head towards the North Wash Tunnel, a gruesomely disfigured man with a chainsaw jumped out from the corner at the end of the wash and began to run after them. The sound of the chainsaw itself was horrifying and deafening within the surrounding cement. The man with the chainsaw was fast, and almost managed to pick off the stragglers in the group.

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