The Burial Site

Upon arriving at the North Wash, the group had to proceed through this dark tunnel:

They found this sign at the entrance to the tunnel:

On the other side of the tunnel, the group found a tree with a tape attached to it. At the foot of the tree was a mound that looked like a buried body:

This is what the tape said:

"Cason and Amanda, you are known for your ability to keep your cool. How much cool can you handle? Right now you are probably wondering what is in the hole that lies before you. What you don't know won't hurt you... Or will it? Will you reach into the hole to save your friends? Or will you be the one who buries them?"

Cason and Amanda had to reach their hands into this hole:

Cason reached into the hole, and his arm sunk in all the way up to his shoulder. The hole was filled with bloody ice. Cason and Amanda thrashed their way through the ice with their finger tips until they found a ziploc bag taped to the bottom of the hole. Inside the ziploc bag was a lighter and a paper that said "Will you see the light at the end of the tunnel before you die?" -- written in blood.

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